Bobby Murphy, CTO and co-founder of Snapchat, will be joining Google Senior Vice President Urs Hölzle on stage during the keynote of Google Cloud Platform Live. Bobby will be sharing his experience building one of the world’s most popular apps on Google Cloud Platform.
Snapchat’s users share over 400 million snaps everyday.
Google Cloud Platform Live is taking place 3 weeks from today. Bobby will be joining a great line up of other speakers, including Google Senior Fellow Jeff Dean. We’ll announce new features, take a deep dive on tips, tricks and technology, and share our vision for the future of cloud computing.
We are nearly at capacity in all our locations, but for people who are still interested in attending you can request an invitation to join us in-person in San Francisco or attend a livestream of the keynote at Google New York City, Google Seattle or Google London. And for those who can’t make it in person, you can always tune in online.
-Posted by Greg DeMichillie, Director
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